begins with you and surrendering into a space you have created for all parts of who you are
Bendicions Catalina, we are here & now. As we begin this 3-Month Journey of healing, learning and growth. Would like to first begin by you taking a moment to just sit back and breathe.
This will be the first step when diving into this Portal space, where you step away from what you have been around and create the space to be here and now.
Catalina, our Journey has begun. First I would like to express my gratitude for you taking the space to truly embark within your Divine Healing Journey, within yourself. Where it all begins with you, and only you.
As shared, this space is your sacred portal, a platform created so that you can share where you have been within your integration and/or of any unexpected events/physical symptoms that you find pressing to share. For this Journey is not just yours it is ours, for I am here as your Holistic practitioner/facilitator to assist you to embody what is your True Thriving Self.
Therefore, take a moment mi hermana, breathe and know that you are not alone on this Journey and yes it is a process. A process that will require patiences, dedication, trust and surrendering.
Thank you for the opportunity to facilitate your Healing Wellness Journey, know that every step begins with your intentions & practice.
Journey Tools & Practice
Click hereto access a list of recommended readings, ritual entry, dream entry and your meditation practice that is recommended for you to begin and implement it into your AM &/or PM and noticing when and where in the day does it align. You can start by creating a 15 minute space within the AM or PM. In addition, you Allow yourself to experience and note what arises and continue with trust.
Initial Holistic Wellness Session Month 1: Body Session 1 - Aug. 21 at 1pm First Session Notes/Recommendations & Integration Submission Notes from our Session: (These are your core practices which will also be noted and listed within your Self Care Tool Kit)
Notice, Note & Practice:
Witness your daily layout and practice
What are the times and days that you dedicate to pause and truly reflect.
Begin to note down how your body communicates/signals to you.
Inviting your younger self within your space/moments. Also, locate/connect with a stuff animal or doll to hold the space of your inner child.
Begin an Alter/Prayer Space
Creating a set space to place your alter/prayer space.
Bringing a picture of younger self (perhaps 3-5yrs old)
Inviting the elements within your space (Fire: Candle, Water: cup of water, Earth: plant or rock/crystal, Ether/Air: Feather and/or flute (note the space it self is ether/air)
Nourishment/Self Care Practice:
Tapping on chest and right below the neck
Steam Inhalation: with Rosemary (inhale through the nose and/or inhale nose and mouth)
Inflammation Removal: Natural Calm Magnesium begin with 2tsp in hot water begin in the PM (right before bed) then AM/PM: Click here to purchase
Reinforcement for your Journey Catalina as shared, the Queen's In-Powerment Monthly Sessions is included as part of your Journey where you will have access to the live meetings. Review the upcoming dates so that you can reserve your in-powerment/self-care that will reinforcement your healing Journey. Sept 2020 Rising Wisdom In-Powerment Sept. 3: Monthly Queen's In-Powerment Sept. 16: Queen's Full Moon Self Care Coupon Code: "QueensJourney" Click here to register
Healing the Body Month 1 Elemental Session 2: Aug. 27 2pm
Bendiciones Catalina, we have left with a good chunk today which will be a good percentage of your Journey's Focus. The practices and tools that are present are holding all elements "Air": The Investigation/Curiosity within your inner world/inner child & "Water/Earth": The Tending to the Foundation and Emotions that exist within your Journey with the Masculine & Feminine. "Fire": The action within your Practice
Here are the following that will be the foundation of your Journey of Healing the Body, Mind & Essences:
It all begins with the Relationship with your Inner Child, calling her regularly and noticing your surroundings especially with the animal beings "Lenny" & "Lucy"
Noticing how does your Inner Child shows up with "Lucy"
What are the Animal Spirits Allies within your Inner World, inviting them "Animal Spirits" in within your meditation.
Noticing: The Journey with the Masculine, then with the Feminine and witnessing how does it show up within & your outer world. (Review Replay)
Connecting with your Mother and her experience/emotions during her time with you in her belly.
Witnessing your Father and his unfinished business with the Animal Kingdom
Witnessing how your body communicates with you, through specfic physical symptoms and feelings
Facial Steam
Chia Seeds within your water
Moving slowly into 3tsp for the Natural Calm Magnesium
Journaling & Integrating your day and your practices
Healing the Body Month 1 Integration Session 3: Sept. 3, 3:30pm Integration Session is witnessing the tools and awareness practices that are present and how is it being applied.
Personal Integration/Practice Month 1 Week Sept. 7th
As we now approach week 4 within your 3-month Journey, this is the time where you sit with all that was realized and obtained within the previous weeks.
Journey into the Mind Month 2 Session 4 - Sept. 15
Journey into the Mind Month 2 Elemental Session 5: Sept. 29 at 11:30am
Journey into the Mind Month 2 Integration Session 6: Oct. 8 at 4:30pm
Recommended Youtube Video inassisting the mind for presences & meditation: Binaural Beats
Personal Integration/Practice Month 2 Week of Oct. 12th
As we are approaching the closing of month 2 of your Journey, click below to access your Reflect & Review page. The Journey into Month 3 Reflect & Review, Submission
Journey with Spirit Month 3 Session 7: Oct. 22 at 2:15pm
Add a splash (of concentrated ginger) into cup along with the natural magnesium with warm/hot water. Ginger Concentrate: Click here
Add a sprinkle (to taste) of salt into your water. In a non-metal bottle, (glass or BPA free bottle). Drink throughout the day. Atlantic Grey Sea Salt: Click here
Journey with Spirit Month 3 Elemental Session 8: Oct. 29 at 11:30am
Personal Integration/Practice Month 3 Week of Nov. 2nd
As we are approaching the closing of your 3-Month Journey, click below to access your Reflecting Closing page. The Journey into Embodiment Reflecting Closing, Submission
Being Present with Spirit Month 3: Add-On: 20min Check-In Nov. 12 11AM
Journey with Spirit Month 3: Integration/Closing Session: Nov. 24 at 3:30pm Closing Session 9
As we have arrived into the closing of this 3-Month Journey, we acknowledge that the Journey of the soul embodiment is an on going Journey of healing, learning & growth. And as we are all on this Journey together, kindly review the following page on "Reflect & Own" where we close this Journey with Owning. Click below to access your Reflecting & Own page. The Journey into Embodiment Reflecting Closing, Submission
The Journey Continues..
Bendiciones Catalina, it has been a Divine beautiful Journey in witnessing you within your unveiling, healing and re-membering who you truly are. Where the Journey of the Self is unveiled through witnessing how our Spirit speaks to us in many unique ways, from our dreams, bodies, feelings, life events and with the beautiful relations with other Souls. As we know that the Journey continues, we recognize that our Divine Journey is an ongoing Journey of Unveiling and Re-Discovery. Where we are given an opportunity to truly embody our truth by peeling the layers back that has separated us from our True Self, our connection to our Essences and the communication that sits within the depths of our Heart & Soul.
I would like to invite you to join me into a Deeper Dive within your self. Where the space is facilitated and held within a a Sacred Balance of the Feminine & Masculine. A dance that we have witnessed within your Journey and within your inner world.
If you are pulled and called to Journey with my Medicine Brother Oscar & I, click here for a brief description of what the Journey is and what does it include. As far as booking and reserving your Journey please note that I would like to offer you a gift (Discount Code: DiveIn) to support your continuous Journey into yourself. Please note that there will be a Pre-Session call with us two (week prior or so) prior to the start of your Journey which will be on/near your birthdate.